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Pastor Josh

A Call to Prayer

A printed copy of J.C. Ryle's tract, A Call to Prayer, had been sitting idle on my desk for some time, lost in a stack of "I'll get to it later" papers. A buried treasure! Now unearthed, I want to set this gem on display for you. Take your time with it, and benefit from Ryle's biblical clarity, spiritual urgency, and pastoral encouragement.

Below you will find links to the document and to an audio recording of it. Further down is my outline. Use each of these in whatever way helps you most.

I leave you now with Ryle's words as my own:

I offer these points for your private consideration. I do it in all humility. I know no one who needs to be reminded of them more than I do myself. But I believe them to be God’s own truth, and I desire myself and all I love to feel them more.I want the times we live in to be praying times. I want the Christians of our day to be praying Christians. I want the church to be a praying church. My Heart’s desire and prayer in sending forth this tract is to promote a spirit of prayerfulness. I want those who never prayed yet, to arise and call upon God, and I want those who do pray, to see that they are not praying amiss.
(Click to access the tract in the file format of your choice.)
(Click to listen to the tract on YouTube.)

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