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Catechesis at NCF in 2025

Pastor Josh

Updated: 1 day ago

We like to use catechisms at New City Fellowship. Catechisms provide basic instruction in Christian doctrine by using questions and answers. They are meant especially to help children learn the fundamentals of the Christian faith, but everyone can benefit from them, no matter their age.

I encourage each of our families to work together. Memorize the questions and answers each week! Read the related Scripture passages that go with them! Spend time with your household in study, prayer, and praise!

There are a number of historic catechisms (60+) among the Reformed Protestant churches. Having just finished one of those (the Baptist Catechism) at the end of last year, we are now starting a new catechism: the New City Catechism. It will guide us this year in our weekly systematic study of God—His being, His works, and His Word. To learn more about the New City Catechism, click here or here. For an interesting Lutheran review and critique of it, click here.

The New City Catechism provides basic instruction in Reformed theology (broadly defined). It is boiled down to 52 Questions & Answers, conveniently fitting within a calendar year. On either the New City Catechism website or the app, you find related Scriptures, commentary, and simple prayers for each Q&A. There's also a kids' track, which has simplified versions of the answers, along with songs for each. (Find the songs on Spotify, or another streaming service by searching for "New City Catechism.")

In addition to all of these resources, I'm also putting together handouts each week (each Q&A). These handouts are intended to link what's online with other resources, including other Scriptures, commentary, and historic confessions. The handouts will be available here, uploaded each week.

— Pastor Josh

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