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Pastor Josh

A Rare Jewel

In yesterday's message, I quoted from an old book called The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment, published in 1648 and written by Jeremiah Burroughs. He describes his meditation as "a very timely cordial to revive the drooping spirits of the saints in these sad and sinking times." Contentment was a precious and rare jewel in those days, and it remains so in ours today!

Burroughs offers the following definition of Christian contentment: "Christian contentment is that sweet, inward, quiet, gracious frame of spirit, which freely submits to and delights in God's wise and fatherly disposal in every condition."

Burroughs is a master illustrator. As I mentioned yesterday, Burroughs describes a person who is only outwardly peaceful by reminding us of a shoe. He writes, "... notwithstanding their outward silence, God hears the peevish, fretful language of their souls. A shoe may be smooth and neat outside, while inside it pinches the flesh. Outwardly there may be great calmness and stillness, yet within amazing confusion, bitterness, disturbance and vexation." How many times is this exactly our condition! A perceptive diagnosis of our discontent leads the way to rediscovering and receiving God's gracious gift of contentment in Christ.

We all need to grow in Christian contentment. May the Spirit of God be at work in us. Let's pray for one another in this regard, even as we each seek this rare and precious jewel.

Get a copy of The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment!

Digital copies can be found here.

Physical copies can be purchased here.

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