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Pastor Josh

2018 Marriage Workshop

NCF's first ever "Marriage Workshop" is this Friday, February 16, 2018.

I am giving thanks for this, as I already see our church body working together, showing hospitality, and serving one another with the gifts that God has provided. And I'm praying for and anticipating God's blessing, for God's glory.

Here is a .zip file for you: This Momentary


  • I decided to use John Piper's book This Momentary Marriage for the Marriage Workshop.

  • The .zip file includes a pdf copy of that book. You can also order it online or get it directly (for free) from

  • I realized that the book was basically a print version of Piper's series on marriage.  The .zip file includes the sermon audio from that series (with the exception of the chapter on sex).

  • I expect more of you will be able to listen to these sermons than will read the book, so it made sense to me to emphasize the audio format.

  • These sermons will encourage you, challenge you, and lead you to joyful contemplations, soli Deo Gloria.

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